"Knowledge of and about science are integral in preparing our population to be actively engaged and responsible, creative and innovative citizens, capable of working collaboratively and fully aware of and conversant with the complex challenges facing society" (Science Education for Responsible Citizenship, EC, 2015). At the same time, social inclusion is one of the most profound aspects in today’s society where the school population is becoming more and more multicultural and different in terms of disadvantages, in one word highly diversified.
ThINKER LAB partnership intends, to broaden the educational offerings available to students weaving learning paths less tied to technical aspects and more connected to co-construction learning processes based on a laboratory-based approach.
ThINKER LAB objectives are to increase the social inclusion of young students, to increase students STEM skills through active inclusion methodologies and working techniques based on Tinkering and the creation and use of low-cost fablabs using recycled materials.
ThinkerLab is a open community where teachers, students and hobbist can find a lot of STEM project easilly reproducible in school fablabs or in a maker lab.
Do you have your own STEM Projects ? Are them in line with our philosophy? Share them in the Thinker Lab community and help us to grow!